Site icon Ivelisse Camacho

About Me

Hello, my name is Ivelisse. I’d like to introduce myself to anyone who would like to know a little bit more about me. Throughout the years I’ve accumulated an extensive amount of experience in customer service. I’ve worked in the retail industry while also working in the medical field as a Dental Assistant for a total of 25 years. These experiences have helped me develop skills that have granted me the ability to understand and connect with people on a more personal level. Having had these experiences I can say without a doubt that it has ignited my passion in working to help people through other means. Everyone has wants, needs, and desires, all of which most could possibly relate to, including myself. There for the thought of being able to help and support anyone who may either be making their first or maybe even last of what a majority would consider one of the most important financial decisions of their lives, helping one achieve their dreams in owning something as important and vital to basic living in the form of a home, in of itself brings me a lot of excitement and joy to have the opportunity to play such a vital role in that decision. It brings me a tremendous amount of pleasure to be able to help everyone reach each and every destination in one’s long journey in achieving what most would consider calling The American Dream. These are the reasons why I’ve worked so hard as a single mother to become a Real Estate Agent, hoping to help people achieve their dreams as well as my own.

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